Vol.17 No.2 |
Chenxi Wang Nanjing University of Science & Technology
Seeking Development in the Neoliberal World: China’s State-owned Enterprises Reforms in the Context of International Economic Law |
Vol.17 No.1 |
Stuart S. Malawer George Mason University
Has the US Become a National Security and Protectionist Trading State? |
Vol.17 No.1 |
Ella Gorian Manipal Law School at Manipal Academy of Higher Education
The Winner Takes It All? : Innovations of China’s Soft Power Strategies |
Vol.16 No.2 |
Kim Anh Dao Korea University School of Law
Environmental Provisions in ASEAN Investment Agreements: Reserving Member States’ Right to Regulate Environmental Issues |
Vol.16 No.2 |
Aryuni Yuliantiningsih Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Faculty of Law |
Nexus between Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction and Extended Continental Shelf: The Need for Sui Generis Status in Overlapping Jurisdiction |
Vol.16 No.2 |
Jiancuo Qi Shanghai Maritime University |
Regulating Cyber Security of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship: New Challenges and Improvements |
Vol.16 No.1 |
Steel Rometius Zhejiang University Guanghua Law School |
Forty Years’ Reflection of the Legislative Features of the UNCLOS: A Critical Analysis |
Vol.15 No.2 |
Harry Chao Wang University of Macau |
A Community of Shared Future for Mankind in the Global Pandemic Era: Towards a Normative Consensus or Authoritarian International Law? |
Vol.15 No.2 |
Muayad Kamal Hattab An-Najah National University |
Modern Approach to the Employer’s Unilateral Promises: A Comparative Analysis |
Vol.15 No.1 |
Shuping Li University of Hong Kong |
Legitimacy Crisis and the ISDS Reform in a Political Economy Context |
Vol.15 No.1 |
Zuraini Ab Hamid International Islamic University Malaysia |
Covid-19 Pandemic: A Demand for Malaysia to Support Refugees under International and Domestic Law |
Vol.14 No.2 |
Luye Mou Zhejiang University |
The Political Heart of China’s Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence: A Comparative Study with the International Criminal Court |
Vol.14 No.2 |
Junghwan Choi Dalian Maritime University Law School |
Domestic Legal System of the Yellow Sea States for the Prevention of Vessel-Source Pollution under the UNCLOS: A Comparative Legal Study |
Vol.14 No.2 |
Jinyup Kim Myongji University |
Potential International Litigation in the Context of Transboundary Pollution: With Special References to the Disposal of Radioactive Water into the Ocean by Japan |
Vol.14 No.1 |
Jiancuo Qi Korea University School of Law |
Enforcement Failures and Remedies: Review on State Jurisdiction over Ships at Sea |
Vol.14 No.1 |
Ngo Huu Phuoc VNUHCM-University of Economics and Law |
Compulsory Dispute Settlement Entailing Binding Decisions under the UNCLOS: Its Applicability to the Case of Vietnam |
Vol.14 No.1 |
Mujeeb Emami Zhongnan University of Economics and Law |
Diversity in the Formulation of Fair and Equitable Treatment in International Investment Agreements |
Vol.14 No.1 |
Hazmi Rusli Faculty of Syariah and Law, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia |
Securing Malaysia’s Borders from Covid-19: Legal Considerations to the Influx of Rohingya Migrants |
Vol.14 No.1 |
Chandaphan Suwijak Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Law |
Legal Challenges to the Construction and Operation of Small Satellite Constellations |
Vol.13 No.2 |
Patthara Limsira Ramkhamhaeng University Faculty of Law |
The Lawsuit against the United States for Causing COVID-19 |
Vol.13 No.2 |
Ade Maman UNSOED Law Faculty |
Indonesian Ocean Policy: Paradigm Shift in Strengthening Ocean Governance |
Vol.13 No.2 |
Nanik Trihastuti Diponegoro University Faculty of Law |
Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in Malacca Strait through the Littoral States Cooperation |
Vol.13 No.2 |
Marcel Hendrapati Hasanuddin University Law Faculty |
Qualifying Cyber Crime as a Crime of Aggression in International Law |
Vol.13 No.1 |
Jingjing AN Shandong University of Technology School of Law |
A Generic Construction of the Right System for Population Ageing: Draft Convention on the Rights of the Elderly |
Vol.12 No.2 |
Deyi Ma East China University of Political Science and Law |
Obligation to Exchange Views under Article 283 of the UNCLOS |
Vol.12 No.2 |
Soojin Nam Hankuk University of Foreign Studies |
Who Violated International Law? Critical Analysis of Abe’s Export Restrictions to Korea |
Vol.12 No.1 |
Zhou Chen Xiamen University |
Enabling Law and Policy Environment for Climate Technology Transfer: From Perspectives of Host Countries |
Vol.12 No.1 |
Nasser Khodaparast Tehran University |
Legal Approach to Energy Security of Iran: With Special References to Crude Oil and Gas/td>
Vol.12 No.1 |
Kelly K. Shang |
The WTO Disciplines and Trade in Products Powered by Artificial Intelligence: Old Wine and New Wine-skin? |
Vol.11 No.2 |
Bijun XU Tsinghua University |
The Triple Intervention: A Forgotten Memory in the Discourse of the Nineteenth Century’s International Law |
Vol.11 No.2 |
Nany Hur Lee & Ko Global Commerce Institute / Korea University |
Historical and Strategic Concern over the US-China Trade War: Will They Be within the WTO? |
Vol.11 No.2 |
Yang Yu Shanghai University of International Business and Economics |
Is the US Method of Challenging China’s IP-related Practices Legally Tenable from an International Legal Perspective? |
Vol.11 No.1 |
Dr. Shengli Jiang Institute of Social Sciences of ECUPL, China |
The Aftermath of the US Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act: What’s Left for China? |
Vol.11 No.1 |
Mr. Ridoan Karim University of Malaya, Malaysia |
Human Rights-Based Approach to Science, Technology and Development: A Legal Analysis |
Vol.11 No.1 |
Dr. Jinxing Ma Chinese Academy of Social Sciences |
A Chinese Perspective of Treaty Interpretation on the Status of Maritime Features: In Response to the South China Sea Arbitration Award |
Vol.11 No.1 |
Mr. Zezen Z. Mutaqin UCLA Law School |
Modern-day Slavery at Sea: Human Trafficking in the Thai Fishing Industry |
Vol.10 No.2 |
Prof. Sunjoo Kang Cheju Halla University, Korea |
Refugee’s Rights to HIV/AIDS Healthcare in Korea under the UNAIDS Guidelines |
Vol.10 No.2 |
Prof. Weidong Yang North China Electric Power University School of Humanities |
Problems and Adjustments of Renewable Energy Legislation in China |
Vol.10 No.2 |
Prof. Gary Lilienthal University of Gondar School of Law |
Communis Opinio and Jus Cogens: A Critical Review on Pro-Torture Law and Policy Argument |
Vol.10 No.2 |
Prof. Yong Wang East China University of Political Science and Law |
China’s Practice in Treaty Reservations since 1949: Legal and Policy Evaluation |
Vol.10 No.2 |
Prof. Hao Shen East China Normal University |
International Deep Seabed Mining and China’s Legislative Commitment to Marine Environmental Protection |
Vol.10 No.2 |
Mr. Yi Chao McGill University School of Law |
Jurisdiction and Admissibility: Reconceptualizing Procedural Legal Issues in the Interpretative Proceedings under Article 60 of the ICJ Statute |
Vol.10 No.1 |
Prof. Udin Silalahi Universitas Pelita Harapan Faculty of Law, Indonesia |
The Harmonization of Competition Laws towards the ASEAN Economic Integration |
Vol.9 No.2 |
Prof. Sung Pil Park Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) |
The Coordinating Role of Public International Law: Observations in the Field of Intellectual Property |
Vol.9 No.2 |
Prof. Jonathan Liljeblad Swinburne University of Technology Law School |
The 2014 Enabling Law of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission and the UN Paris Principles: A Critical Evaluation |
Vol.9 No.2 |
Prof. Lin Zhang Fujian Normal University School of Law & Korea University School of Law |
Engineering Compulsory Food Safety Liability Insurance in China: A Joint Perspective of Public and Private International Law |
Vol.9 No.2 |
Prof. Tsung-Sheng Liao National Chung Cheng University (Taiwan) |
MNCs under International Climate Change Regime: Recognizing Atmospheric Absorptive Capacity as the Common Heritage of Mankind |
Vol.9 No.2 |
Dr. Xiaoyi Zhang China Institute for Marine Affairs |
Problematic Expansion on Jurisdiction: Some Observation on the South China Sea Arbitration |
Vol.9 No.1 |
Professor Haifeng Deng Tsinghua University School of Law |
Common and Symmetrical Responsibility in Climate Change: A Bridging Mechanism for Adaptation and Mitigation |
Vol.8 No.2 |
Professor Yongmin Bian University of International Business and Economics |
A Revisit to China’s Foreign Investment Law: With Special Reference to Foreign Investment Protection |
Vol.8 No.2 |
Mr. Arindrajit Basu West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences Mr. Arthad Kurlekar National University of Juridical Sciences |
“Leashing the Dogs of War”: Towards a Modification of the Laws of Armed Conflict for the Regulation of the US Drone Strikes in Pakistan |
Vol.8 No.1 |
Professor Jun Zhao Zhejiang University School of Law |
Human Rights Accountability of Transnational Corporations: A Potential Response from Bilateral Investment Treaties |
Vol.8 No.1 |
Professor Abdul Ghafur Hamid International Islamic University Malaysia |
Combating Terrorism and the Use of Force against a State: A Relook at the Contemporary World Order |
Vol.8 No.1 |
Professor Tianbao Qin Wuhan University School of Law |
Dispute over the Applicable Scope of the Svalbard Treaty: A Chinese Lawyer’s Perspective |
Vol.7 No.2 |
Professor Mincai Yu Renmin University of China Law School |
China Being A Maritime Power under the UNCLOS: Issues and Ways Ahead |
Vol.7 No.2 |
Professor Wei Shen Shanghai Jiao Tong University Law School, China |
Conceptuality or Textuality? Understanding the Notion of Expropriation in the Context of Tza Yap Shum v. The Republic of Peru |
Vol.7 No.2 |
Hui Zhang Wuhan University School of Law, China |
Towards a New Global Agreement under the Doha Climate Gateway: A Chinese Way |
Vol.7 No.2 |
Professor Sung Ja Cho Kangwon National University School of Law, Korea |
Legal and Policy Implications on the Post-Kyoto Protocol System: A Korean Lawyer's Viewpoint |
Vol.7 No.1 |
Professor Patricia Goedde Sungkyunkwan University School of Law , Korea |
Human Rights of Guantánomo Detainees under International and US Law: Revisiting the US Supreme Court Cases |
Vol.7 No.1 |
Professor Haniff Ahamat International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia |
Restricting Biofuel Imports in the Name of the Environment: How Does the Application of WTO Rules Affect Developing Countries? |
Vol.7 No.1 |
Professor John Riley Sogang University School of Law, Korea |
The Legality of Japan's Current Monetary Policy under International Law |
Vol.7 No.1 |
Professor Xin Chen Xiamen University Faculty of Law. |
Japan's Unspoken Currency Manipulation by Monetary Policies: A Chinese Lawyer's Perspective |
Vol.6 No.2 |
Dr. Ahmad Masum Universiti Utara Malaysia
Nehaluddin Ahmad Universiti Utara Malaysia |
Freedom of Religion and Apostasy under International Law: With Special Reference to Article 11 of the Malaysian Federal Constitution |
Vol.6 No.2 |
Professor Boris Kondoch The Far East University, Korea |
Jus ad Bellum and Cyber Warfare in Northeast Asia |
Vol.6 No.2 |
Professor Andrew Wolman Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea |
Korea's Refugee Act: A Critical Evaluation under International Law |
Vol.6 No.2 |
Professor Lowell B. Bautista University of Wollongong, Australia. |
The Philippine Claim to Bajo de Masinloc in the Context of the South China Sea Dispute |
Vol.6 No.2 |
Professor Ran Guo East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. |
Legal Basis of China's Claim over the Huangyan Island |
Vol.6 No.1 |
Professor Ying Bi Zhejiang University Guanghua Law School |
Is Dumping Still Harmful? New Thinking on Antidumping in the Global Free Trade |
Vol.6 No.1 |
Professor Jaemin Lee Seoul National University School of Law, Korea |
Bracing for the Hidden Fallout: Systemic Implications of the Sino-US Trade Disputes at a Time of Changing International Trade Paradigms |
Vol.6 No.1 |
Dr. Kamrul Hossain the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland, Finland. |
The UNCLOS and the US-China Hegemonic Competition over the South China Sea |