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Journal of East Asia and International Law (JEAIL) has been semi-annually published since 2008 by the YIJUN Institute of International Law. It aims to promote research and thinking of legal scholars and practitioners from both East Asia and another regions having its regional focus. As the unique globally recognized international law review (ESCI/SCOPUS) focusing on East Asian regional affairs, the Journal covers all aspects of public international law applicable to East Asia within its topical scope. In addition, significant developments relating to international law will be dealt with from an independent viewpoint of East Asia.
The Journal welcomes academic articles and reports containing insightful, provocative and creative ideas. All drafts will be peer-reviewed through the fair, independent and scientific process. These positions are ensured by its Editorial and International Advisory Board drawn from outstanding lawyers from the countries in this region as well as from its global network.
The articles and other materials contained in the Journal reflect the views of their authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of either Editor-in-Chief, or the Editorial Board of the Journal.

JEAIL publishes twice a year on May 30 and November 30. We accept submissions on a rolling basis. Authors may submit their draft manuscripts all the year round.

The Board of Editors will only consider material which complies with the following:
  1. Journal of East Asia and International Law is committed to publishing cutting-edge, provocative, and thoughtful works. The submission should be an original, unpublished and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. Long articles should not exceed 12,000 words in any case, including footnotes. The Journal recommends the authors to analyze a fundamental and creative issue for the long article.
  3. A submission of around 6,000 words may be considered for the Notes & Comments section, or students contribution. We also welcome submissions of book reviews and new books in the international law field that publishers would like considered for review. Please send manuscripts and books to the address undermentioned.
  4. A short (150 words) abstract of the article should be supplied. We reserve the right to edit abstracts for length and style.
  5. Authors should state their present academic or professional affiliation and indicate any professional or personal involvement in the subject matter of the article.
  6. Citations should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015). For the citation style, please visit:
  7. Each manuscript should be written in 1.5-spaced/14 font in Microsoft Word format (.doc) or Rich Text format (.rtf). Submissions in Word format should be Microsoft Office (2013 or 2016) for Windows. Authors should provide brief biographical data including current institutional affiliation, academic career and other contacting address/numbers.
  8. English proofreading is mandatory for all the authors; each author should get professional English proofreading before editorial review and send the revised version (track changes) with a certificate of proofreading.

Ethical Rule
Journal of East Asia & International Law shall prevent any unjust ethical conduct by the authors. Plagiarism and creating non-existing data or research results are strictly prohibited. In case of the violation, the publication shall be cancelled and any manuscripts of that author shall not be considered by the editorial board for possible publications for the next five years. Although the Journal staff and referees review each contribution for potential violations of research ethics including plagiarism, all responsibilities for potential research ethics violations shall be assumed by the author himself/herself. Further details will be provided at Detailed Regulations.

The Selection Process
Once a draft article is received, the chief editor will consult with the executive editor and the managing editor to decide if the draft is consistent with the Journal’s policies and whether the article should be reviewed through preliminary examination. If the draft is deemed reviewable, the chief editor in cooperation with editorial board members forms a paper selection committee. The paper selection committee is composed of both inner-board members and outside expert(s) in order to review the article fairly and professionally. The chief editor will contact the author and two reviewers in the course of reviewing the draft. If the reviewers recommend the publication of the article, it will be published in due course. The chief editor fully respects the opinions of the reviewers. The chief editor will only make a decision to publish or not publish when the reviewers are unable to come to a consensus. The chief editor, if the draft is selected for publication, will make a Grant of License Agreement (GOL) with the author and will provide further information on the publication process.

License Agreement
The author is required to read and accept the terms contained in the License Agreement in order to publish his/her article at Journal of East Asia and International Law.

Article Processing Charge
Article Processing charge is an academic processing charge per paper and will allow us to make a published work available for free open access. The charge is payable by the author upon acceptance of the publication proposal and the peer review process begins shortly after payment. All the charge shall be wired to the official bank account of YIJUN PRESS. For details, please click here.

You may send submissions and questions to: or

or by post to:
Prof. Eric Y.J. Lee
8, Achasan-ro 62-gil, Gwangjin-gu #402
Seoul 05047 Korea

Please note that your manuscript will not be returned, and that electronic submissions receive priority in the review process.

For more details on the submission, please visit: