Enforcement Failures and Remedies: Review on State Jurisdiction over Ships at Sea
Jiancuo Qi & Pengfei Zhang
JEAIL Volume 14, Number 1 (2021), 7-34
The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea admitted legislation
and enforcement jurisdiction carried out by the flag state. However, the emergence
of substandard ships and the growing number of ship accidents at sea indicate that
flag state jurisdiction is far from effective. Four aspects of these failures are examined
in this paper. Confronted with the failure of flag state jurisdiction, port states
have devised a subsidiary remedy to ensure their national interests and restore the
effectiveness of flag state jurisdiction. A problem hereunder arises because non-explicit
permission was given to port states to prosecute substandard ships. Thus, this paper
further analyses four aspects of port state jurisdiction. The authors aim to analyse
the failures and remedies associated with state jurisdiction over ships. It reviews the
scope and deficiency of state jurisdiction in combatting substandard ships and illicit
activities at sea. This paper also addresses the importance of port state control, regional
memorandums of understanding and international conventions.
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