글 수 9
조회 수 : 14000
2014.03.30 (00:21:11)

Global Responsibility of Transnational Corporations will be the Issue Focus topic of the Journal's volume 8, number 1(Spring 2015). It would be a really cutting-edge and provocative issue of today's international law because TNCs are getting more influential actors in global economy as well as even world politics. Despite the conventional doctrine that sovereign State is the only subject of modern international law, recently, we could not deny that TNCs are a subject of international law considering their actual power on today's international affairs. However, TNCs do not always have favorable side; they used not to take global responsibilities for human rights, environment or labor. In particular, human rights would be easily abused by their excessive profit-maximizing pattern of business as called even ‘Psychopath.’ Although the UN adopted a group of normative rules for sustainable management such as the Global Compact, no one can stop their unlimited drive for their interest.

Anyone may write it with around 8000words including footnotes (no more than 10000words in any case). A case study will be highly preferable. The draft paper is due to February 1, 2015.

For further question please email: journal@yiil.org

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