JEAIL > Volume 13(1); 2020 > Regional Focus
Research Paper
Published online: May 30, 2020
Sinking or Not? An Indonesian Approach to Prevent the Rise of Sea Levels due to Global Warming
Iin Karita Sakharina & Farida Patittingi & Hamzah Halim & Marthen Napang & Juajir Sumardi & Andi Bau’ Inggit & Marcel Hendrapati
Kompleks Taman Toraja, Jalan Danau Toba No.8, Makassar, 90224, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
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ⓒ Copyright YIJUN Institute of International Law
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Global warming, or climate change, could be the main reason why small islands in many areas of the Earth, including those in Indonesian territory, are sinking. Many small Indonesian islands are between 1 and 3 metres under the surface of the sea because of raised sea levels caused by climate change. If this situation continues, it would affect many of the outermost islands of Indonesia, so that we should anticipate the danger that the outermost islands would be submerged. The basepoints and archipelagic baselines would then be replaced, among other serious consequences for Indonesia. The Paris Climate Agreement, signed by almost 200 states in 2015, is the main instrument for mitigating global warming through reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. Indonesia ratified the Paris Climate Agreement, because it has a great interest in mitigating the phenomenon that is causing the sea level to rise, which is having a serious impact on its islands.
Keywords :
Global Warming, Climate Change, Greenhouse Effect, Outermost Islands, Basepoints, Archipelagic Baselines
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