JEAIL > Volume 15(2); 2022 > Student Contribution
Research Paper
Published online: Nov. 30, 2022

Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements in Kazakhstan

Said Tulibayev
Suleyman Demirel University
Abylai khan street 1/1, Kaskelen 040900, Kazakhstan.
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ⓒ Copyright YIJUN Institute of International Law
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Contemporary environmental issues require the joint actions of the global community, which may assume many forms but always depend on developed and harmonized national legislations. States develop environmental law by implementing provisions of multilateral environmental agreements into national legislation. However, the implementation process sometimes prevents the effective adaptation of international legal norms. While the structure and mechanism of the implementation process have been frequently discussed from the relationship between international and municipal law, few studies have been dedicated to the implementation process of international environmental norms. Consequently, this study will analyze the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements with special references to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article will present cases of implementation and the resulting issues in the national environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Moreover, it will examine national measures to solve these issues that will be relevant for all countries with similar ecological questions.

Keywords : Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Implementation, Ecology, Environmental law, Kazakhstan

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