JEAIL > Volume 17(2); 2024 > Issue Focus
Research Paper
Published online: November 30, 2024
Legal Responsibility of Regional Economic Integration Organizations under the Paris Agreement: Challenges to Enhancing the Participation of Developing Countries
Hojjat Salimi Turkamani
Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 6-10, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany.
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ⓒ Copyright YIJUN Institute of International Law
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Regional economic integration organizations (REIOs) can ratify climate change agreements as mixed agreements, including the Paris Agreement, with their member states. A question may arise on what responsibilities can REIOs have under the Paris Agreement in relation to the member states. Analyzing the draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations reveals that REIO can have derived (indirect) responsibility for non-fulfilling the obligations by member states due to the normative control resulting from the adoption of binding resolutions. Also, under Article 4.18 of the Paris Agreement, REIO will be jointly responsible for non-realization of the goals communicated in the NDCs together with non-compliant member. This will make the non-compliant states responsible externally to the third parties and to REIO internally in achieving the goals of NDC and will encourage the compliant member states to participate in realizing the collective goal of REIO because of influence of not realizing the collective goal.
Keywords :
REIO, Paris Agreement, Joint Responsibility, DARIO, NDCs, Climate Change, Economic Integration, International Organization
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